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Online Community

At Cairns Presbyterian Church there are three key ways to link in with church online.


Elvanto, where you are now, is the hub for our online community.  It includes our members directory, our rostering and our calendar of events. If you're a regular attender at church you're welcome to login - contact Lee at office@cairnspc.org.au for a username. If you're a visitor you'll still be able to see a variety of information about what's happening in our church community.

Weekly enews

We send out a weekly enews letter with information about what's happening in our church community. You can sign up below



We have a public facebook page, which you can see in the right hand column, as well as private groups for morning church (https://www.facebook.com/groups/cairnspc/) and nitechurch (https://www.facebook.com/groups/567264480076806/). If you're a regular at church, we'd love to have you as part of these groups.

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